Penciltopia is a filmmaking experience that enables children to collaborate on their own stop-motion animated short films. During after school, private, and summer classes, children learn to tell a story visually. From writing a script, to building sets to modeling characters out of clay, kids are active participants in the film making process from start to finish.
Why Animation?
When children learn to tell a story visually, they incorporate art, technology, literacy, and leadership skills into one long-term collaborative project: an awesome film they created and produce themselves! Animation is a big part of kids' lives, and when they learn how their favorite films are made by making their own, they are empowered and inspired!
Our Process
Working in groups, children brainstorm ideas, write scripts, draw storyboards, sketch characters and sets, build puppets and sets, animate, edit, produce, and screen their films. Parents and friends can keep up with our progress through daily posts in Facebook and Twitter. When our films are complete, we celebrate with a screening and exhibition of our work. Everyone receives a DVD of their films, which can also be downloaded from the Pencilopia website.